20 JunTariffs, Policies and Other Rumors – June 2018
Last quarter we unveiled a returning column written by our colleagues at Employment Security. Beginning with the September edition it will take you a little longer to read the Forecaster as we add an entire set of new pages that will present the state-wide forecast among other informative items. The expansion will mean more pages for you to read through but will not change the Puget Sound focused content. This expansion of the Forecaster is a key step in connecting the economic activity of the Puget Sound (which drives a majority of the state numbers) with the nuances of the overall stateís activities. In producing the Forecaster we draw upon the expertise of our colleagues from throughout the region, our faculty here at Western Washington University and our student research assistants. Each provides a unique perspective and voice to the topics we present with our goal of providing you the background to navigate within the economy. We also want to highlight the role of different faculty and student assistants. We have different experts contributing articles and ideas. We welcome your questions and topic suggestions for future articles. Email us at [email protected].
Download the NewsletterVolume: 26 - Number: 2
Leading Index Title:
Special Topic Title: Inside Unemployment
- Hart Hodges
- James McCafferty