Files containing subject cost of living


Typically, it takes more than one thing to lift an economy up or drag it down. In 1997, boosted by strong national growth, a cyclical upturn at Boeing, and the dot-com boom, Puget Sound employment jumped 5.1 percent. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 13 - Number: 4

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Entrepreneurs


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
The Stalwart Consumer

A hackneyed but important fact is that consumer spending in the United States accounts for two-thirds of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This was true in the 1970s (66 percent), 1980s (67 percent), and 1990s (67 percent). [READ MORE]

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Volume: 12 - Number: 4

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Cost of Living


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
A Strike

After failing to negotiate a new contract with The Boeing Company, 22,500 aerospace machinists walked off the job in October. Each week, the striking workers forfeit $18 million in wages. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 3 - Number: 4

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Inflation


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen