Files containing subject defense spending

Not Much New

At the risk of being accused of shirking our duty, we present pretty much the same forecast as last time. In fact, the projected Puget Sound employment growth rates are exactly the same: 5.0 percent in 1997 and 3.5 percent in 1998. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 5 - Number: 2

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: International Trade


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
A Strike

After failing to negotiate a new contract with The Boeing Company, 22,500 aerospace machinists walked off the job in October. Each week, the striking workers forfeit $18 million in wages. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 3 - Number: 4

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Inflation


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
Signs of Recovery

The outlook for the Puget Sound region has improved. Following a surge in growth in the fourth quarter of 1993, the Blue Chip panel of national economists raised their forecasts of real Gross Domestic Product to 3.7 percent in 1994 and 2.9 percent in 1995. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 2 - Number: 1

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Defense Spending


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen