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Sample Newsletter

The Sample Newsletter - a copy of the June 2019 Newsletter [READ MORE]


Volume: 27 - Number: 2

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title:


  • Hart Hodges
  • Josh Grandbouche
  • James McCafferty
June 2019 Newsletter - Data, Trade and Trends

With thoughts of the long warm days of summer on our minds, we have found ourselves interrupted pondering about the price of avocados and how the latest round of tariff threats that may impact retail sales and the general economy overall. Thoughts of spending time at the lake or river have found us considering stream flows and how the change in our climate may impact all of the people and busin [READ MORE]

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Volume: 27 - Number: 2

Leading Index Title: Not Yet

Special Topic Title: Stream Flow


  • Hart Hodges
  • Josh Grandbouche
  • James McCafferty
Shaky Ground - December 2018

This time of year we are asked to do a lot of economic forecast and year in review talks throughout the state. It is interesting to talk with so many business leaders and policy makers as they consider the road behind and ahead. In preparing for these talks, and the Forecaster, we are reminded that much of the data we all rely on is subject to revisions, sometimes substantial, which makes prese [READ MORE]

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Volume: 26 - Number: 4

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Labor Force and Population


  • Hart Hodges
  • Josh Grandbouche
  • James McCafferty
Some Encouraging News

As bad as it was, we should not mistake the Great Recession for the Great Depression...Despite the fits and starts of the recovery, there are concrete signs that the Puget Sound economy is on the mend. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 19 - Number: 4

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Investment, Capital, and Output


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
Are We There Yet?

At the end of a recession, when the economy is in flux, numbers can get squirrely...Keeping in mind the shakiness of preliminary job estimates, there was potentially goods news in ESD's March labor report. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 18 - Number: 1

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: South Carolina


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen