Files containing subject manufacturing

Setting the Stage

Latest government figures show that the Puget Sound economy is still on course to recovery. If aircraft employment stabilizes this summer, the economy will accelerate through the rest of the year and remain relatively strong in 1995 and 1996. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 2 - Number: 2

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Employment and Migration


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
Even Better

Last May, after presenting an optimistic outlook, we posed the following question: could it be even better? With each new report out of The Boeing Company, the answer seems to be yes. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 4 - Number: 4

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Regional Forecasting


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
Against the Tide

Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States increased 4.0 percent in 1994, the highest growth rate since 1984. But the inability of consumers to maintain their torrid spending pace, capacity constraints in the production sector, and recent hikes in interest rates by the Federal Reserve are indications that the national economy is headed for a slowdown. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 3 - Number: 1

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Importance of Manufacturing


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen