Files containing subject mortgage rate

Down the Road

Despite bumps along the way, the Puget Sound economy has enjoyed a good ride. Since 1970 employment has expanded at an average annual rate of 3.3 percent, faster than the 2.1 percent national rate. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 7 - Number: 3

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Regional Forecasting


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
On Cue

The Puget Sound economy, playing the role of the comeback kid, has performed better during the second half of the last three decades. As if on cue, it shifted into high gear at the start of 1996. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 4 - Number: 3

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Washington Commercial Banks


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen
A Pause

In spite of an unexpected decline in employment this spring, Blue Chip economists contend that the "odds of a (national) recession this year or next are modest." Evidence supporting this opinion includes a confident consumer, lower mortgage rates, a weak dollar (lifting exports), and strong capital spending. [READ MORE]

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Volume: 3 - Number: 3

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title: Changing Demographics


  • Dick Conway
  • Doug Pedersen