Files containing subject stream flow

Sample Newsletter

The Sample Newsletter - a copy of the June 2019 Newsletter [READ MORE]


Volume: 27 - Number: 2

Leading Index Title:

Special Topic Title:


  • Hart Hodges
  • Josh Grandbouche
  • James McCafferty
June 2019 Newsletter - Data, Trade and Trends

With thoughts of the long warm days of summer on our minds, we have found ourselves interrupted pondering about the price of avocados and how the latest round of tariff threats that may impact retail sales and the general economy overall. Thoughts of spending time at the lake or river have found us considering stream flows and how the change in our climate may impact all of the people and busin [READ MORE]

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Volume: 27 - Number: 2

Leading Index Title: Not Yet

Special Topic Title: Stream Flow


  • Hart Hodges
  • Josh Grandbouche
  • James McCafferty